Wednesday, 13 February 2013


So yeah...a couple of weeks back I was on top of my work.
I had thee assignments to fulfil. The first was a 2500 word essay, complete with presentation. The second was a piece of flash animation with for some reason a long 1500 word evaluation to go with it. The last was a VFX show real.
A lot to do but not difficult and manageable. Days before the big essay hand in I'd completed it and its presentation, so I handed it in. The flash animation was simple and some how I managed to force a large evaluation out of something with so limited a process and despite levels of over ambition, which resulted in me going into uni for several consecutive days, all early mornings to late evenings, I finished my show real. Oh and I was very ill too.


Then night before hand in my memory stick drowned in my laundry. I thought I'd backed everything up. Nope.
Here is what remains.

My essay
My flash animation
Half my show real

Now I have to recreate my evaluation and the second half of my show real. Ok I'm in the proses of redoing the last half of my show real and I can do this essay of an evaluation. Can't I? Right?


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